This series of international research visits and conversations began as a reflection on questions of care, collaboration and sustainability within curatorial work. The methodological enquiry, devised in dialogue with Carolina Ongaro between 2016-17, collects stories from curatorial practitioners from different organisational models and cultural contexts, exposing the intellectual and emotional undercurrents of their work.
Funding partners included: Arts Council England, Frame Contemporary Art Finland and Danish Arts Foundation.
Collaborators have included: 22 Rue Muller (Paris), Tonus (Paris), Shanaynay (Paris), La Maudite (Paris), Palette Terre (Paris), Castillo/Corrales and Section 7 Books (Paris), Radical Reading (Athens), Auto Italia South East (London), FormContent (London, Vienna), Sorbus (Helsinki), Rundum (Tallinn), Konstanet (Tallinn), HIAP (Helsinki), YEARS (Copenhagen), Gry Worre Hallberg from Sisters Academy (Copenhagen), Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld from Sorte Firkant (Copenhagen), Vermillion Sands (Copenhagen), Jacob Jakobsen from Hospital Prison University Archive (Copenhagen), Siliqoon (Milan), Idioletta (Milan), Current (Milan), 77 (Milan), Fanta (Milan), Mega (Milan), Clearview (London) and Almanac (London, Turin).